Saturday, May 2, 2015

Artificial Allegiance

Blog By Author/Satirist

L.E. Vega

In the novel "Ms. Quixote Goes Country - Raised on The Marxist Frontier", author L.E. Vega compares most people of all races in the United States with David, the little robot in Stanley Kubrick's "Artificial Intelligence".  We are all beautiful people, like little David, and like little David, we are calling on that fairy who is going to save our country in 2016.

Most of us know that our Native American Indians did not introduce disease, yet we have allowed them to practically disappear from our nation's history because we are so bloody scared to question what is really going on because we have been programmed to show allegiance to that computer warehouse that is artificial, unlike the truth that the same warehouse buried when they in general extinguished the true wisdom of American Indians.

Now, the people of the United States long for the fairy who will straighten out our fraudulent health insurance system.  In 2013, I was willing to comply with the new Obama Care Tax (albeit I understood that it is nothing but a tax, m'am -- come think of it, sort of sounds like nothing but the fax, m'am, or something to that effect). Besides, Americans who like me, believe in alternative medicine, should not be forced to pay for a tax for healthcare that we do not even use. 

In 2013, when I respectfully complied and purchased an individual plan, the premium for my individual plan was $200.00 / month, which is ridiculously based on age, considering the fact that many Americans over 40 and 50 are way healthier, lamentably, than many Americans in their teens and 20's.

Then came the pinnacle of artificiality in 2014, when the same bloody individual plan went up to nearly $700.00 bloody bucks.  If it  had gone up so much over a period of a few years, I could understand, but it was only after a few months, so my friends, isn't it bloody time to fire, and even take it upon ourselves to sue the artificial insurance companies, Humana, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield and all of them?

By the way, with all due respect, and this goes for Puerto Rico and for any country, the flag, which I regard as the symbol of one's patriotism, is in our heart. Again, with all due respect, emphasizing the flaunting of a flag artificially distracts patriots from truly leading the nation constructively.  

Amiguitos, that fairy ain't coming in 2016, or ever!  For example, if we allow companies like Nestle to pay a few bucks for water bodies in California, water that belongs to the American people, and then turn around and bottle it, and sell it, this is one example of how our health is being controlled by a few greedy soro mon biches.

We do not even know how the bottling process may be harmful to our health. We already know that food coloring in many of the food items that we buy contains arsenic.  Our crops are fumigated with toxins, the water from our sinks and our showers affects our hormone levels, so that when we hear on the news about a violent incident, we should understand that hormone imbalance leads to erratic behavior patterns and violence.  We could go on and on about how our health is threatened, about how vaccines for children are accountable for autism, heart disease and a number of impediments among populations of American children under the age of 10. 

Amiguitos, those fairies that you want to be loyal to, they're messing with us, so that you feel that you have the obligation to pay for that bloody health insurance tax.  Sue the soro mon biches, man!  There are no fairies. There are soro mon biches!

Besides, if you really want to improve the "border" and "immigration" issues, sue the artificial soro mon biches at the insurance companies, and I guarantee you, that the immigration numbers will decrease. If Americans fire and sue the bloody soro mon biches, the insurance soro mon biches will no longer be able to bring lorries of immigrants from Nigeria, or from Latin America, because if they are fired, they can no longer take advantage of the immigration fraud that the very same soro mon biches are controlling.

Copyright @ 2015 by L.E. Vega  -- No part of this blog may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author, except for brief passages included in a review appearing in a newspaper or magazine.